
I will venture into the wilderness. Cross country on bare feet.
To get as far away from the city lights as I can possibly get.
There I will wait, night after night, unbothered by the rain.
So that no shooting star will pass the sky without my noticing.

I will venture into the deserts. Searching for lion-mouthed caves.
The darkness will not frighten me as I stumble, Ignoring temptations
I will collect anything resembling a lamp and rub them for days.
So that eventually a real genie from the fairytales might pop out.

I will venture into conversations with complete strangers everywhere.
To tell them today is my birthday. I won’t care that it might not work.
I will tell them it’s my birthday and I will hope for their kindness.
So that they’ll buy me a cake, filled with candles that await my breath.

My whole life I’ve avoided ladders, and avoided the number thirteen.
I’ve mapped where black cats live and glued mirrors back together.
Hell, I’ve never even used an umbrella because it might pop open inside.
But that wasn’t enough.

So now I venture forth. Wearing rabbit feet around my waist.
A crown of four leaf clovers on top of my weary head.
Juggling the lucky pennies in my pocket like a madman.

I have to go on.

Because I am on my way to the end of the rainbow

The end of your rainbow
The only chance I need
Your only chance
My only wish
That you’ll recover.

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