
In a world where we all compare ourselves to one another.
It is confusing to wake up like a normal kind person who is learning.
Which of us is better off, which of us are succeeding. Who is better?
We all do it to friends, family, neighbors, passers by who disappear.
As long as it is a human shape, we forcibly put our own next to it.

We feel frustrated, because our own battles fought must be tougher.
So why haven’t the prices come at the same interval?
He has better clothes so a spoiled son of an old money family
And to balance it out we become vicious with jealousy
“He’s stupid, he doesn’t know what an honest day’s work is.”

The neighbor puts time and energy in his plants, blooming.
“The stupid lonely man has nothing better to do, sad really”
“What is he gonna do when autumn comes and they perish”
“It’s a waste of time. Silly that he doesn’t understand that, poor guy.”
We think from the paved gray terrace stuffed with old chairs.

The friend who says at the coffee meeting ‘I’ve met a great guy’
Hopelessly foolishly following their heart again, not smart
We are lonely too, but ashamed to say, so we advise maliciously
‘You know, be careful, I’ve heard rumors about him, they say ‘slut’’
And we keep the other lonely with us, just to not be alone in life.

And we whisper or scream judgmental awfulness to them of colors.
Lazy immigrants stealing our built up welfare, or they “steal our jobs”.
They had a difficult past, I had a difficult past, we all have to deal with it.
“I can’t even pronounce those names, why do I have to learn?”
We say to each other, laughing and hiding whispers in the distance.

And so we protest to bring the other wrongdoers to a halt. Screaming.
Signs like swords with words that carry meaning throughout history.
To the beat of the drum we march, feeling closer to those screaming along.
The sound barrier will keep the others at a good distance, safe.
Because the change they might bring can only meddle with normality.

And so we compare, judge, and not give them the pleasure of more.
We lie, cheat and bicker, scream and shout to protect what is here.
And so we are fools, who never learn anything new. Stuck in time.
Stuck in a world where news is conflict and conflict is news.
Where anger prevails. Where the focus is on the negative or the easy distractions.

When free, we binge watch the orchestrated shows and the real life live tv.
Buying food and clothes that are pushed to us in a seemingly free choice way.
So we all wear our style that is affordable and feels like our own.
We just look at the screens and are happy with the latest funny cat video
So we can share that instead of our true emotions. And the day passes, safely.

What if things were different? What if we all could be different?
Trying to understand each other, asking questions, trying to help?
Sure it’ll take some of your time, sure you might get hurt. Aren’t you already hurt?
Talk to the stranger, compliment without a reward for yourself. Tell stories.
Learn what is good about you, and what is not. Mirror your own actions!

Comparing will then be the root of sharing stories which enrich all involved.
Jealousy becomes generosity of heart, which can teach you new things.
Judgement becomes curiosity, wondering about other’s lives, talking and learning.
Individual loneliness grows into a community of connected like-minded humans
And everybody is happier, because they are not so excruciatingly alone anymore.

Maybe the news will change, and maybe the leaders will listen, eventually.
Poverty and hunger might disappear, and there’ll be no children crying.
Or maybe that will still go on, as it always has. What’s the use of blame?
What’s the use of pointing, when all that achieves is pushing.

Let’s just stand together and laugh a little. Do a dance, have a drink. Enjoy.
And the day will start, and I’ll wave at the neighbor, who’s sunflowers are doing great.
He told me yesterday after I spoke to the guy with the clothes, he runs an outlet.
I’m meeting my friend’s great guy today, he is willing to help me with my career, and
It’s good to hear my friend talk happily about something for the first time in a while.
I learn from all the others, as I go through my day, and I go to sleep with a smile on my face.

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