
Grasping for love in a world devoid of feeling
Grasping for straws that are too thin to carry weight
Gasping for air underwater amongst bubbles provided by none
Grasping for a touch in a hazmat suit forced in by them

Grasping for the ledge on the cliff they pushed me off
And I am hanging on, fingertips of iron stuck in the rocks
Grown by my strength in life, grown earned character
Swinging alive amongst the circumstances provided

I am alive
I am strong
I am individual
I am my own

So I must put one hand in front of the other
Crawling my own way up and away from the edge
Against the wind, I will force my legs to standing
Because I believe that I am worthy of being me

And I now see you grasping for my attention
I see others vying for my blessing
I witness others falling off the cliff
But Now,
I will decide what is truth

Painting By Simona Katerína Hlinka (Instagram: @simona_katarina)

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