
I told myself “That what you long for is equally seeking you.”
Every night, Every night, but little did I know

The distance between us was already
Ever so slowly diminishing in time
Could you have imagined this a year ago?
Look at where we are now

I told myself “To lose patience is to lose the battle.”
Every night, Every night, but little did I know.

The endless longing to know you
was already ticking towards its end
Would you have believed this a month ago?
Look how we forget time now

“Trees that are slow to grow bear the best fruit.”
Every night, Every night, but little did I know
That now our dog would be running along the shore
While the warm sand tickles our bare toes
That now it’s normal that we hold hands
While our eyes reflect the orange sunset

I smile to you, as you continue to talk about your day
I now know I have found you, my forever love

Happy Lights:
As part of a way to shed some more light on the world in these dark times , I’ve asked to be inspired by my people and their happy moments. I write a piece inspired by what they tell or show me. This way the happiness echoes.
This piece of inspiration is provided by my international friend Kris, who has found his bliss after his journey.

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