
Today I choose purple, and platinum blond
I feel fierce and I will hold on to the bond
I made with myself to force others beyond
The way they have always looked at me
So today I wear purple and I am blonde

I think I will put some nail polish too
And I feel like putting a wheel under my shoe
I can dance on the street like they won’t do
And they will love everything I have to give
Cuz my energy, nothing can compare to

And I tie my laces here sitting on the sidewalk
I put my speaker out and grab a piece of chalk
Marking my territory, my personal roller-catwalk
As all of them wonder, already curious
What is this unique creature, their eyes stalk

Green lights, begin

My body moves to the heated beat, by me
The twirling makes it feel like I am flying free
As the music builds up and people come to see
This wonderful creature that is purple and me
This wonderful platinum version of me
This wonderful me
As I am dancing free

Happy Lights:
As part of a way to shed some more light on the world in these dark times , I’ve asked to be inspired by my people and their happy moments. I write a piece inspired by what they tell or show me. This way the happiness echoes.

This piece of inspiration is provided by my dear friend Noelle Kalom, who always has an eye for spotting art and uniqueness. 

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