
Charism; a divinely bestowed power or talent

I know you moved on,
but I have some questions.
Did you get special powers now?
Or is it only wings, can you fly?
Are you all-seeing, o god
Do you see everything I do?

Are you sitting there next to god?
Or is it a town, a big or a holy city?
Does it have a gay district?
Do you have friends there, new or old?
How’s the fashion up in the clouds?
Is everything boringly white?

Do you get to go on outings to earth?
That would be amazing, if so
Could you rattle some chains?
Could you make the lights flicker?
Could you ooohooo in my ear at night?
Could you just say hello?

I am also curious about your experience.
What does death taste like?
How does oblivion feel?
How does nothing smell?
How are you now?
Do you miss me as well?
Was it worth it?

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