
In my dreams I stand atop a cliff
You are standing there with me
As real as you used to be in life
And we look at each other in the rain
I feel the cutting wind on my skin
but the goosebumps come from
seeing your whole face as one again

On this cliffs edge I feel like falling
Ever since you died I feel like falling
I see your mouth move, and try to hear
The rain is beating down
winds drowning sounds
Your words are lost
As I stand here on the edge

The wind beats me harder now
Pushing against my back
The storm swells up and grows
I’m afraid I will lose my footing
On the wet rocks and loose earth
Your hand on my shoulder keeps me
Safe from the sharp rocks gleaming below

I feel the warmth from your hand on my shoulder
And you speak to me again
This time I understand, your blue eyes
Through the rain, wind and storm
You gently push me over the edge to the rocks
As I fall your words echo in my soul
You whispered “My darling, It is time to fly”

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