New to the big world
Your tiny entirety sleeping
I hold your perfectly minuscule hands
and admire every single crease in them
as your individual breaths soothe me
Hesitantly stepping forwards
Your sprouting spirit curious
I hold your dirty hands
and wash them with soft soap
as your eyes look past me to see what the world is up to
Proudly endlessly talking
Your stories innocently fantastical
I hold your gesturing hand
and I get you safely to the other side
as you check to see if I’m properly listening
Stubbornly independent your thoughts
Your mind and person have so many layers
I hold your hand when you’ll allow me
And I do make an effort to make you laugh
as you are effortlessly making me happy
I know you’re now a person
I don’t know the future
But if you’ll allow me,
I’ll reach for your hands
And I’ll wash them when you’re a mess
And I’ll warm them when you’re cold
And I’ll patch them when you’re hurt
And I’ll grab them when you fall
And I’ll reach for them whenever we cross the street
Let me hold your hands sometimes forever
so I can admire every single
perfectly imperfect crease