
Just some words for the in between people
Those who fall between demands for help, availability and pride
Those with strength gathered from being beaten over and over
For the eternal optimists despite the lashing looming shadows

For those faking their tone of voice squeakily
uttering the perfectly acceptable unnoticed when out
Those who move to dodge attention so needed
For those who lay awake thinking about their dreams.

Just some words of encouragement for you.
Your masks works fine and nobody noticed
Your voice is loud and silent enough to not alarm
You are getting really away with it, so hold on

There is a future, and there is time.
You are special and a good person.
Don’t forget to breathe, hold on.
Why it is worth it this time? I don’t know.
These are just some words.

You’re the round peg in the square hole
Believe in yourself, here, now, in-between

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