
It must be the full moon
Luring those people out
Special colors shining

I wish the sunlight could do the same
Automatically creating awkwardly shaped stages
The middle of every normal street my home

But the day can only endure easy normalcy
Headphones on pumping beats, beaten paths fixed
People being “I am fine, how are you?” ones

The standard forms learned in childhood
Familiarities in mandatory grayscale
“Don’t stand out, you’ll be happy”

But, now here, your hidden brightness blinds me
My scared and curious eyes blink to adjust
Closing at intervals to not let you enter my mind

Your persisting rainbow colors already teach me
You’re imprisoned in your cloaked innocence
Alike disliked facet of the biggest diamond

Please be the close spotlight to guide me
Seeing it from this distance blinds me
Your presence eclipses my normalcy

Your light mirrors mine

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