
There’s something about your light
Something in the way you move
It’s logic to me, the way you hold
Like numbers add up, counting
One, two, three and then four, the rhythm

The rhythm of you moves me
My mind can keep up with your vibe
How difficult the world around gets
The moment of your smile comforts
The ease of being with you greases

The things I do not understand
The staccato in getting up each day
Feeling like everyone is better
At this game, with rules never explained
I am the outside rule

You make everything make sense
Pythagoras and all the theories
Everything they tried to teach me
You make sense in my rhythm, my logic
And you do it with a laugh, so easily

It makes me jealous and happy now
As easily as it comes to you, effortlessly
You could teach me, if you spare a moment
But I am just sitting here
Noticing you

So I make an effort and give a compliment
And you smile, as you so effortlessly do
And thats what I love most of all
That it is your way of being, acting
For you, there’s no difference between

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