
I feel it this morning, it hangs in the air
This thickness of time, so unprepared
The sun starts painting, bright orange red
Heat thick as honey, keeping me in my bed

But I go on

I feel the wind on this day, hitting my face
Slicing nothingness of sharp, pain’s a disgrace
But I walk this path, up to charge and face
Do I deserve the best view, here in this place?

But I go on

I feel the day dragging and my legs dragging
Why did I even start planning, shall I quit?
I stop the voice, I add another step, another
My mind can’t calm down, I think I can’t move

But I go on
Something is different

I feel the fresh air in my beaten face
As I put my legs up, I start to believe
I have reached the first of my summits
The sun will always warm me
I will always go on

Happy Lights:
As part of a way to shed some more light and hope on the world in these dark times , I’ve asked to be inspired by people and their happy moments. I write a piece inspired by what they tell or show me. This way the happiness echoes.
This piece of inspiration is provided by
Kirana Baeumer

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