
I’d rather be the other me
The other me that is a dream
A dream of being understood in my mistakes
I’ll be that new me by your acceptance
And i’ll change my me now for you

If I choose actions now
Actions that’ll help me
I choose my new me by myself
And I do not need another version
And my old current me will disappear

But it’ll be nice to know you
To be acknowledged by you
To get a nod when I pretend to not need it
To get a cheer whenever I take a step
So my new me can grow to be more

But the other old me is shouting
You do you and we’ll do me
I am as good as I am. Why not?
Do you see that? What do I do?
Don’t you think being me is enough?

Because we do.
I do.
I do.
And we all think you should be you.
I won’t ever ask you to be another.
So why must I be another me?

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