
I’m worried about your plans for the future
I worry that you plan too much in these days
I think it might be a big thing to balance all
Don’t you agree your time is limited and full

I’m worried because I’ve made mistakes then
I worry you will do the same as I did back then
I think then it was easier and now it’s harder
Don’t you think you should follow the rules

I’m worried I don’t have the ability to show
I worry after late nights awake regretting
I think you have the ability to be more than
Don’t you think u have clearly failed in my life

No, I don’t think you have failed in your life
I worry you will never see your accomplishments
I think you underestimate what you have done
Don’t you think about the ripples of your actions

No, I am not worried you did too much wrong
Failing is winning if you learn from the mistakes
I think you grew with every little step till now
Do you think I can have a better example than you

My future is safe, I don’t plan too much for my energy
The balance is there and my limited time is full
Full with things I love, things I’m passionate about
Thanks to you, the lessons learned before my past

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