
The poppy flower is defined by the dictionary.
The bright redness of hope is explained;
In parentheses “Showy flower, milky sap, rounded seed capsules.”
It takes away the magic a bit, I think because they remind me of you.

The springiness and strong survival strength.
The brightness and the ability to feel home anywhere.
Those qualities remind me of you.
But the definition continues;

In parentheses “Contains alkaloids and are a source
Of morphine and codeine, causing hallucinations”
The end of the definition, and the beginning of you.
At least that’s what I think

Because you make my being realize so much more
Makes me see beautiful and real things, honest and new things.
Enriching, enlarging, calming and many more of those things.
The lessons that our friendship brings are love to me.

The first definition of love is, in parentheses:
“an intense feeling of deep affection”
And the second is, in parentheses
“a great interest and pleasure in something.”
And I agree with both. Being your friend is a pleasure.

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