
I show red with my passion
Passion in the forms it can take
Love as a boundaryless action
Protection as a fiery weapon

I show orange with my energy
Energy in the forms it can take
Putting effort in importance
Giving attention to the needed

I show yellow with my anger
Anger in the forms it can take
Despising ignorant people
Remembering past trauma

I show green with my envy
Envy in the forms it can take
Thinking about innocent young me
Seeing couples on the street

I show blue when with my sadness
Sadness in the forms it can take
Reliving losing loved ones
Perceiving peoples stunted growth

I show Indigo with my wisdom
Wisdom in the forms it can take
Feeling calmness through life-experience
Knowing what is going on really

I show violet with my power
Power in the forms it can take
Standing up against unfairness
Being happy being me

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