
I cannot begin to explain to you, your shape
As you rarely listen, especially when drunk
But I will talk anyway, as your shape contains ears
And I do hope you’ll listen

You are stunningly beautiful, picture perfect
As you tell me your insecurities
But hear, your body is the right shape, your smile
And then there is you

I really want you to hear this now
As you are waving my comments away
But hey, Here we are, take a moment, hear
And get what i’m trying to get across

You embody beauty in more shapes and shadows than you’ll ever understand
As you nonchalantly meander through the day to days effortlessly, seemingly
But you wave away, and don’t take in, the bewondering that is deserved
And reel it in, because my eyes have never seen such innocent strength this picture perfect

I know it’s a bit much to hear
As we are drunk and walking
Maybe that’s why I talk so much
But I do hope you remember
And that you’ll grow from it, wherever you go

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