
Train like any other cadet
Listen to the rules that others know and show clear
Step in line when the whistle blows
It isn’t really that difficult if you follow
“Yes Sir!”

Simply follow the brightly projected golden road
Loving and being good will give you all the energy
So naturally nurture all your talents effortlessly
It isn’t really that difficult if you follow
“Yes, Madam!”

Caught in silence by the worry to possibly disturb
Thinking at light-speed to anticipate other’s emotions
Never daring to complain or demand or make sound
It isn’t really that difficult if you follow
“Yes, my child”

It really isn’t that difficult if you follow
“Yes Sir, Madam, Anyone!”

Caged premonitions of potential opportunities
A sliver of hope against all opposite streams
Those few beautiful facets newly acknowledged
That recent proud smile to the mirror
That gut feeling that forces you.

It isn’t really that difficult if you follow yourself
“Fuck Yes!”

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