
I’ve been stuck on opinions
I’ve been stuck on jokes
I’ve been stuck on movements
I’ve been stuck on looks

maybe I misunderstood
maybe I misheard
maybe I was sensitive
maybe I shouldn’t have been

so stuck
it stopped my energy
it messed my flow
it killed my sparkle
it erased my smile

maybe you were wrong in it all
and maybe you had bad timing
and maybe you wanted to get ahead
maybe you needed me like that

so stuck
now I’m looking up and see
that I’m above opinions and bad jokes
I see I’m moving through your obstacles
and I let everybody gaze at the rising me

So I’ll be stuck here for now,
stubborn in my correct opinions
“a total standstill” says your popular belief
Stuck in my place to recover

Yes stuck in my old polite ways
and stuck in naive beliefs of hope
So stuck in protecting my loved ones
those that stuck with me then

maybe you’ll be able to have an opinion
maybe you’ll search for the punchline
maybe you’ll tag along for a while
maybe you’ll be able to see it

but I am stuck, so incredibly stuck
inevitably unstoppably stuck
so completely rock solid stuck
in trusting that I will always move forward.

I am stuck with my friends
I am stuck with my talents
I am stuck with my character
I am stuck with my love

so tell me again, please
Am I stuck in time?
Am I stuck forever?
Am I stuck in hell?
Am I stuck with you?

I don’t think so

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