
I’ve looked up to you at one moment in time
I felt genuine and honest jealousy towards your life
I wished for nothing else then for you to teach me
Now we see each other, years after. This moment
In time, we are here, why aren’t we congratulating?

You said “Yes”, when I asked you it’s been a while
You said “Wonderful” when I asked how you are
You said, with your hidden nod, how you really feel
You asked me why and you didn’t listen

You asked me why my movement are insecure
You asked me why my thoughts are strong still
You asked me why my voice is still being heard
You didn’t ask me any honest questions aloud

I’ve seen you then and I see you now
You perceive me, the shell of me, years ago
You would learn a thing or two, you know
If during all this time you paid attention
I am just not interested in teaching you now

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