
I’m leaving my town today
I’ve burnt all the bridges
My safe island is simply gone
Up in the air fading nothing

I’m waiting for my train
The tracks to wherever
It’s a bit late to the party
I stand here with baggage

I’m waving goodbye to all
Familiar horizons taught
Habits and behavior in rear view
All is old and I welcome new

I am truly on my new path
As first footprints melt in the rain
My journey is on its way
And I am terrified

The tracks provide guidance
Direction that I do need
Independence is showing but
I am happy to be carried along

I keep half an eye on my things
The rest of my vision on the horizon
Destination unknown but clear
Mission statement proclaimed

Still silent in my whisper
Hopefully believing in me
I’ve left, I have done it
Where will I end up?

I effortlessly moved forward
Next destination reached
Yes those are also my things
And fresh sun on my face

So with my suitcase I walk
To where the sunshine shines best
Old views fading from memory
New colors screaming for attention

I see the red of passion on my left
And the others of the rainbow right
And the fresh black breaking night
Leaving the blue behind me now

I’m listening to soft strange sounds
The new lights dimming around
Unfamiliar smell of the better blanket
I rest my head on the hard pillow

I put my last energy of the long day
Dreaming my new life and dreaming
No nightmares allowed here
Until I wake up with the new sun

No room to think about the running
Away from all that was there
It’s a disaster without reason
So there is no space for that here

The sun is introducing twilight
Strange sounds wake me up
At this broken time of morning
I long for the coffee at home

I am in a that new town now
The people seem friendly
Strange winds guide me forward
Nudging me softly to new steps

My eyes upwards, looking for new
My legs shaking in old boots
Arms around myself and the new
Shoulders relaxing, back straight

And as time continues on
And my convictions echo
And listeners empathize more
And compliments are meant

Then I stand there alone
Looking for a place to put my glass
Under prepared in this unfamiliar place
But suddenly grasping it

My new life is mine to make
Freedom to create my Me now
Collecting my energetic new family
Naturally kind as has always been me

So explain small things to me
Chitter and chatter to entice
And maybe I’ll tell you the tale
Of my past travels and how it’s new

I can now be me
Unforgettable, unfathomable
Truly clearly unconditionally
I will now be me
I am me

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