
Now that a few days ago turned into last week
And everything is still stopped, except for time
And talking in the past tense is the new normal
And not getting a response to my texts is logic

I wonder where you went to
Are you in the water, flowing freely finally
Are you in the air, roaming the winds
Are you in the earth, feeding new life
Are you in the fire, lighting the spirits that hold your memory

I don’t care
I do not want to care
I do not want to think
I do not want this
I do wonder but I do not want to
I don’t

But still, I wonder
Does your reality as I knew you exists
Further than my memory
Am I responsible for your echo
What if I, for a split second, forget?

I wonder
I wonder when last week turns into last year
Who I’ll be
Without you to remember me

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